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There’s this digital dilemma we all face today: countless websites and online services asking for our email addresses before giving us access. I remember countless times feeling unsure, asking myself, “Do I really want to share my personal email? What if they bombard me with spam?” If you’ve had these thoughts, I have a secret weapon I use: Temporary Emails.

What’s a Temporary Email, you ask?

Well, it’s exactly what it sounds like! A short-lived email address you can use in place of your main one. I often use two websites when I need a quick Gmail Email Address. Trust me, it’s a game-changer!

  1. Temp Mail: For quick temporary emails.
Temp Mail Website Screenshot

2. Emailnator: If you need temporary Gmail, because some websites don’t accept emails from unknown domains.

Emailnator Screenshot

The coolest part? These temporary emails come with their own inbox. So, if a website wants me to verify my email address, I pop over to my temporary email inbox, click verify, and I’m in!

Temporary Mail Email Inbox
Temporary Mail Email Verify

Why I Love Using Temporary Emails:

  • Spam Protection: No more waking up to a flooded inbox! My primary email has remained spam-free since I started using temporary ones.
  • Phishing Protection: It adds this extra barrier between potential scammers and my primary email. I feel safer knowing I’m less likely to be phished.
  • Privacy: I value my privacy, and with these, I don’t have to reveal any personal details.
  • It’s Temporary: These emails vanish after a while, leaving no trace behind, and that’s the beauty of it!

To Wrap Up:

I’ve discovered some incredible internet hacks over the years, and this is one I had to share with you all. If you think this tip is as handy as I do, consider subscribing to my newsletter for more insights. But hey, as much as I advocate for temporary emails, give me your real one for the newsletter. I promise, no spam from my side! 😂

Hope you got something useful. Catch you in the next post!