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Your Friendly

I create. I build. I sell. I experiment. I fail. I retry. I succeed. And here I share everything(except my illuminati passcode)

No boring emails I promise. (Also, No selling your mail address to Chinese Mafia 😈)

Hey👋! I don’t know how you stumbled upon my little corner of the internet. But come on, you’re already my prisoner. Follow me, I’ll show you around.

First, some titbits about me: Amarsh. Amarsh is a handsome tall guy who knows some stuff, and by stuff I mean really weir…umm…I mean some really good stuff. And Amarsh is very nice guy, so he wanna share this cool stuff with people, people who need it and will benefit with it.

So for this purpose, Amarsh writes blogs and he’ll also create video content (coming soon…pinky promise🫂). I hope you’ll like Amarsh. Because Amarsh is Me, Me is Amarsh.

Okayyy, But what’s that Cool stuff you’re talking about? (**Air quotes**)

Well, I’m a solopreneur and there are many challenges in a solopreneur’s journey like :

  • How to start? 🙃
  • Ohh, I need a website…how much does it cost? (Also, I don’t have money, lol 🤡)
  • Okay, website done. Now what? How can I bring sales? How do I market myself?
  • How to grow my personal brand? Video content? Social Media marketing? Ad campaigns?
  • How much money I have to burn? How much time will it take? How? What? When? WHeRe?
  • STOP✋ STOP✋ STOP✋….Take a deep breath🧘….exhale slowly😮‍💨….now inhale slowly🧘. Now read along.

Seems overwhelming? Don’t worry, just read further.

Every Solopreneur have three major resources: Money, Time and Energy. And the trick is to optimize their consumption. And there are many(and I mean too many) shortcuts in this journey, like:

  • You can very easily create your own website (there are tonnes of ways and premade templates for every kind of work)
  • You can do sales yourself if you know how to talk. (Subscribe and I’ll tell you a great trick 🌚)
  • Marketing, to be honest, is just great content which generates some value to your target audience + consistently creating that content.
  • For Search Engine Optimization → build quality backlinks to your content (Skyscraper Technique)
  • For designing, there are various FREE tools and templates you can use to create your brand assets, without hiring a designer(I’m not saying they’re useless)
  • And So On….

But(a very big buttt🍑) there’s no alternative to hardwork here(sadly😔). And there’re no “Get Rich Quick” schemes here, so Consistency, Hardword and Smartness is a must have.

Being a Solopreneur myself, I’m almost always finding ways to make passive income online. For that – I build, I create, I sell, I experiment, I fail, I reiterate(with some tweaks), and I succeed – sometimes, but that outweighs my failures – and that is the goal – To make small failures frequently and large successes occasionally.

So, here I will be sharing the best of the best bits I learn on the way, things to do and thing not to do(cause I will be doing them any way to test things and experiments **Mad Scientist Smirk**). So keep tuned, and don’t forget to subscribe👇😁. See you. Bye😘(ok this is getting weirder. Bye.).